Apartament, 4 camere, Bucuresti / Floreasca
Loft-ul prezentat este distribuit pe 2 niveluri, la primul nivel avem un hol de primire, living cu inaltimi de pana la 6m, dining, bucatarie, camara depozitare, baie si o terasa generoasa, iar la al doilea nivel al loftului regasim, trei durmitoare cu dresiing si doua bai.
Pardoselile sunt acoperite cu o dusumea din stejar triplustratificata LAMETT - Belgia model Barn One Strip, periat si uleiat pentru accentuarea fibrei naturale a lemnului. Nodurile au fost tratate individual cu rasini speciale pentru autenticitate.
Placarile ceramice din bai, bucatarii, terase sunt realizate cu produse de top din Italia de la RAGNO, KEOPE, VOGUE, SUPERGRES.
Obiecte sanitare au fost alese in asa fel incat sa accentueze caracterul masculin-elegant al spatiului; majoritatea sunt din ceramica neagra, inclusiv bateriile BRUMA - Portugalia, iar mobilierul de lavoar este realizat din structura metalica tratata anticorozi.
Sunt disponibile 3 lofturi cu compartimentari si suprafete diferite. Apartamentul este dsponibil la vanzare nemobilat, fotografiile atasate sunt cu caracter orientativ.
SVN offers for sale a 4-room apartment, loft type, in a complex that is more than a living room concept, it is an opportunity to transform your personal impression into a lifestyle. When your apartment is structured on two levels, basically you have two worlds that meet only when you want. The inner staircase is the road that connects them to each other. The terrace combines the freedom of the outside with the level of comfort inside.
The project is located in the northern area, in the vicinity of an urban development pole, with a direct connection to the business area of the city. The street on which the complex is located separates from the main traffic artery and opens at the end towards the Herastrau - Floreasca - Tei lakes, thus offering a quiet refuge in the middle of the most vibrant area of the city.
The property is arranged in 4 rooms, as follows:
* The living area which has a generous area 6 m high
* Kitchen
*2 bedrooms with generous surfaces
*1 bedroom that can be arranged according to preferences
*3 bathrooms
An constructie 2023
Suprafata construita 200 mp
Suprafata utila 162.34 mp
Suprafata terasa 12.4 mp
Regim Inaltime 5 / 6
Etaj 5
Nr. camere 4 camere
Nr. bai 3
Nr. balcoane 1 balcon
Confort 1
Compartimentare Semidecomandat
Tip constructie In bloc
Status constructie Finalizat
Disponibila incepand cu 2024-02-23
Judet Bucuresti
Oras/ Sector Sector 2
Zona Floreasca
Gps lat 44.474408
Gps lng 26.112151
Complex rezidential Brick Lofts
Nr. terase 1
Supraveghere video
Curent electric
Sistem de alarma
Supraveghere 24/7
Detector de gaze
Geamuri termopan
Incalzire prin pardoseala
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Vinde apartament
Proprietati similare
Bucuresti, Herastrau, Soseaua Nordului
4 camere cu loc parcare subteran inclus
3.799 EUR/luna