Darste 2600 mp

The land proposed for purchase was taken over and photographed, by a broker of SVN Romania | Brasov, one of the largest real estate consulting companies, which is part of the SVN group, a brand recognized worldwide for the quality of real estate services offered.


The land plot is located in Darste, being positioned near the Green Park Villas residential complex.


The land has a front of 65 ml, and the utilities (electricity, gas, drinking water and sewerage) are at the boundary of the property.
The property is located at the forests clearing and has a great view.
The building has the following urbanistic indices: POT = 35%, CUT = 1.1 and height regime P+ 2.


Residential area of high interest.
SVN Romania | Brasov, as a real estate company, which promotes this building, tries to provide technical details, in relation to the real situation of the property presented, with the amendment that they do not constitute or are not part of an offer related to a contract. The data listed in this specification were taken verbally, as an informative guide, for potential buyers, at the time of taking over for promotion, of the above-presented building, from the rightful owner, they are not checked in detail, by us, in order to offer you a guarantee. Thus, all the documentation will be checked, in full, when the property documents are requested, as a step prior to the sale-purchase contract, if there is an interest in this building. When you choose SVN you determine the mobilization of the entire SVN expert organization and our trust network, in the sense of action on your behalf. This Network of Common Values® is the hallmark of SVN. If you need clarifications or additional information, the broker who manages this offer can provide you with full details.

Note: The structure of this presentation and the above detailed information cannot be taken over without the written consent of SVN Romania | Brasov.

Terenul propus spre achizitionare a fost preluat si fotografiat, de catre un broker al SVN Romania | Brasov, una dintre cele mai mari companii de consultanta imobiliara, ce face parte din grupul SVN, brand recunoscut, la nivel mondial, pentru calitatea serviciilor imobiliare oferite.

Terenul este situat in Darste, fiind pozitionat in apropiere de complexul rezidential Green Park Villas.


Terenul are front de 65 ml, iar utilitatile ( curentul electric, gazul, apa potabila si canalizare) se afla la limita proprietatii.
Proprietatea este situata la liziera padurii si are o priveliste deosebita.
Imobilul are urmatorii indici urbanistici: POT = 35%, CUT = 1,1 si regim de inaltime P+2.


Zona rezidentiala de interes inalt.

SVN Romania | Brasov, in calitate de companie imobiliara, care promoveaza acest imobil, incearca sa ofere detalii tehnice, in raport cu situatia reala a proprietatii prezentate, cu amendamentul ca acestea nu constituie sau nu fac parte dintr-o oferta aferenta unui contract.

Datele enumerate in aceasta specificatie, au fost preluate verbal, ca ghid informativ, pentru potentialii cumparatori, in momentul preluarii spre promovare, a imobilului mai sus prezentat, de la apartinatorul de drept, acestea nefiind verificate in amanunt, de noi, pentru a va oferi o garantie. Astfel, toata documentatia va fi verificata, integral, in momentul in care se solicita actele proprietatii, ca si pas premergator contractului de vanzare - cumparare, in cazul in care exista un interes pentru acest imobil.

Cand alegeti SVN determinati mobilizarea intregii organizatii de experti SVN si a retelei noastre de incredere, in sensul actiunii in numele dumneavoastra. Aceasta Retea de Valori Comune® reprezinta elementul distinctiv al SVN.
Daca aveti nevoie de clarificari sau informatii suplimentare, broker-ul care administreaza aceasta oferta, va poate oferi detalii complete.

Nota: Structura acestei prezentari si informatiile mai sus detaliate, nu pot fi preluate, fara acordul scris al SVN Romania | Brasov.

Deschidere stradala 65.5

Suprafata 2600 mp

Adancime 40

POT 30

CUT 1.10

Lot 1

Regim de inaltime UCsy

Disponibila incepand cu 2020-09-28

Judet Brasov

Oras/ Sector Brasov

Zona Darste

Gps lat 45.613771

Gps lng 25.653099

Street openings 1

Valoare proprietate (€)

Perioada (ani)

Procent avans (19 €)

Suma creditata 107

Dobanda 6%

Rata lunara 4 lei

Broker Imobiliar

Laurentiu Proca , Consultant imobiliar Vezi toate proprietatile


Zona Darste

Pret vanzare + TVA
125 €/mp

Telefon Consultant imobiliar

Cod: REL4000415

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